Monday, July 22, 2019

Walmart Revolutionizes Its Training with Virtual Reality

​A quiet virtual reality revolution is occurring at Walmart. Since 2017, when the company began using virtual reality headsets in its training centers—called “Walmart Academies”—Walmart has used the technology to improve the employee experience, better assess workers’ skills and present new ways of training staff.

According to Andy Trainor, vice president of learning at Walmart, virtual reality in the retail environment makes a lot of sense, especially in stores that are open 24 hours a day. Why?

“Because you don’t have the opportunity to train after hours and you don’t want to disrupt your customers on the floor,” he said. “Virtual reality allows you to artificially create scenarios that you can’t recreate on the sales floor in a way that associates can learn in a safe environment.”

With this in mind, Walmart is using virtual reality, otherwise known as VR, in multiple ways, such as preparing employees for the commotion when customers swarm stores on Black Friday and evaluating how workers respond to angry shoppers. Additionally, VR is being used to ascertain which employees have the skills to fill middle management positions.

What Walmart executives have found is that VR works especially well when rolling out new technology and processes.

“We used VR to train associates on Pickup Towers, which are 15-foot vending machines that allow customers to pick up online orders,” Trainor said.

Since using VR, Walmart has seen improvements in employee test scores from training sessions, and the technology allows the company to introduce new training programs. 

“When we used the Oculus Rift VR headset in the classroom, we noticed an increase in test scores between 5 percent and 10 percent,” he said. “We are starting to replace some global learning management system modules that can take 30 to 45 minutes and transitioning this to a three- to five-minute module in the virtual reality environment.”

According to company executives, as of February, 10,000 of Walmart’s 1.2 million employees have taken skills management assessments using VR. Later this year, Walmart plans to train over 1 million employees across 4,000 stores using the standalone headset.

Trainor said Walmart’s HR organization helped to develop the training. Now that the company has rolled out VR to every store, HR professionals at each store will manage the devices and facilitate the training.

“It’s important to bring HR partners along the journey so they can see the benefits first hand and become an advocate for this new way of educating associates,” he said.

Align VR with Business Goals

HR managers looking to use virtual reality in their training programs shouldn’t only consider how the technology can improve employee training, but should also consider how the technology can strengthen the company’s overall business objectives. They should also think about partnering with a virtual reality vendor for at least two years, said Derek Belch, chief executive officer of STRIVR, a Menlo Park, Calif.-based company that designed Walmart’s virtual reality training program.

“You have to learn what this technology is and what it isn’t, what it does and what it does not do,” Belch said. “HR managers have to think about implementing the technology in the right way. You can’t just whip up a piece of content and put it in a room and hope someone uses it.  That is just a recipe for disaster. We are seeing a lot of companies, for lack of a better term, tinker with this and they are not getting real business results.”

Research from SuperData, a Nielsen company, estimates that 71 percent of companies using VR use the technology for training.

At Fidelity Investments Inc., VR headsets are used to train new workers about empathy. These employees are guided through a virtual phone call with a Fidelity “customer” going through a financial crisis. At UPS, HTC Vive VR headsets are used to help drivers identify potential hazards while “driving” on a virtual road. American Airlines uses VR to acquaint new crew members with safety procedures before they start their jobs.

Don’t Neglect Human Interaction 

Although using VR to train employees is in its very early stages, there is huge value in using VR to train employees, said Sarah Brennan, CEO and principal of Accelir Insights, a Milwaukee-based HR technology consulting firm. Brennan predicts that VR will have a significant impact on hiring and onboarding staff.

[SHRM members-only toolkit: Managing the Employee Onboarding and Assimilation Process]

“I would not be surprised to see VR being used for hiring,” Brennan said. “Before candidates take a job, they can really understand what it would be like to do the job. They’ll get a better sense of what it feels like to be in a busy kitchen, or what it feels like to be behind a desk when you are getting yelled at by a customer.”

HR managers need to be aware that in some extreme cases—like preparing soldiers for what they might see in war zones or coaching emergency workers for what they might encounter in a terrorist attack—workers using VR need additional support, she said.

“A lot of things could go wrong, and my fear would be that we jump too far to relying only on the technology,” Brennan said. “There needs to be the communication and the opportunity for questions and interactions with another person. Managers have to make sure that they take care of the whole person. Don’t assume that the technology can handle it all.”

Nicole Lewis is a freelance journalist based in Miami. She covers business, technology and public policy.


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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Workers Sue Yale University Over Workplace Wellness Penalties

A class action lawsuit on behalf of Yale University’s workers alleges that the university’s employee wellness program uses financial incentives that violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA).

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WordPress Shopping Cart WordPress Ecommerce Market Theme

Product Name: WordPress Shopping Cart – WordPress Ecommerce – Market Theme

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IRS Allows Health Plans to Cover More Treatments Before Deductible Is Met

The Treasury Department and IRS added treatments for a range of chronic conditions to the list of preventive-care benefits for which a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) can pay—even if a plan enrollee’s health care spending hasn’t surpassed the plan deductible—without running afoul of the rules allowing pretax contributions to health savings accounts (HSAs).

Medical care, including prescription drugs, for certain chronic conditions will now be classified as preventive care for someone diagnosed with that condition, according to the July 17
Notice 2019-45, which immediately took effect. Any medical care previously recognized as preventive care under IRS rules is still treated as preventive care.

The notice lists the new types of medical care that now can be treated as “preventive” because they can keep an existing condition from worsening.

Adjusting HSA Rules

Employees covered by an HDHP may contribute to an HSA. To comply with the IRS rules for making HSA contributions with pretax dollars, an HDHP may not provide benefits for any year until the minimum deductible for that year is satisfied. However, HDHPs are not required to have a deductible for preventive care.

President Donald Trump issued an executive order on June 24 directing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue guidance that expands the ability of patients to select HDHPs that can be used alongside an HSA. The guidance, Trump said, should cover low-cost preventive care, before the deductible, to help maintain the health of people with chronic conditions.

Allowing “coverage for conditions that commonly require maintenance drugs or therapies, such as diabetes, hypertension or arthritis, will no longer prevent people enrolled in an otherwise HSA-compatible HDHP from making HSA contributions,” noted Scott Behrens, director of government relations at Lockton, a benefits brokerage and consulting firm.

employers increasingly offering HDHPs linked to HSAs, “the rules governing health savings accounts need to be modernized to meet the needs of consumers,” said Chatrane Birbal, director of policy engagement at the Society for Human Resource Management. The new guidance is a welcome development because otherwise “employees with chronic conditions who enroll in HSA-qualified plans, particularly those whose employers offer only one plan, face substantial barriers to care if they want to manage their chronic conditions,” she noted.

Expanding ‘Under the Deductible’ Coverage

Under Notice 2019-45, the following services and items for people with chronic conditions can now be covered under an HDHP as preventive care.

Preventive Care for Specified Conditions

For People Diagnosed with
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Congestive heart failure, diabetes and/or coronary artery disease
Anti-resorptive therapy Osteoporosis and/or osteopenia
Beta-blockers Congestive heart failure and/or coronary artery disease
Blood pressure monitor Hypertension
Inhaled corticosteroids Asthma
Insulin and other glucose-lowering agents Diabetes
Retinopathy screening Diabetes
Peak flow meter Asthma
Glucometer Diabetes
Hemoglobin A1c testing Diabetes
International normalized ratio (INR) testing Liver disease and/or bleeding disorders
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) testing Heart disease
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Depression
Statins Heart disease and/or diabetes

The IRS action “makes it possible for consumers to more affordably and effectively manage their conditions and maintain improved health,” said Mike DiSimone, president and CEO of PayFlex, an administrator of consumer-directed products and services, including HSAs.

Making HDHPs More Appealing

“Given the expansion of the types of preventive [care] that an HDHP can cover, and the tax advantages of an HSA to employees, employers who have not previously implemented a HDHP or HSA
may want to consider doing so now,” wrote Carol V. Calhoun, an attorney with law firm Venerable in Washington, D.C.

“Raising the attractiveness of HDHP/HSAs potentially can help more Americans improve health outcomes while stretching their health care dollars,” said Kevin Robertson, chief revenue officer for HSA Bank, an HSA administrator. “People with these conditions may now be able to receive these treatments at no cost, or at a lower cost, depending on how their insurance plan or employer decide to cover these services, without jeopardizing an individual’s ability to contribute to HSA.”

This change not only helps people with these chronic conditions, “but also helps remove perceived expense barriers for anyone evaluating if an HDHP/HSA solution is right for them,” Robertson added.

“More people will now be able to realize the financial advantage of health savings accounts and will have the increased flexibility they need to use them,” DiSimone said.

Increasing Coverage Options

Plans will not be required to pay 100 percent for the treatments on this list, explained Kim Buckey, vice president of client services at DirectPath, a benefits education, enrollment and health care transparency firm. “The notice simply means that these treatments are not subject to the HDHP deductible before they are covered. So, if the HDHP has a $2,000 deductible, and normally you’d have to pay $2,000 out of pocket before these services would be covered at, say, 80 percent of their cost, now the IRS is saying they can be covered at 80 percent even if the deductible is not yet met.”

The listed services also can be subject to a different, lower deductible, “so the employer might say you have a $500 deductible for these particular services,” Buckey added.

[SHRM members-only toolkit: Complying with and Leveraging the Affordable Care Act]

Legitimizing a Common Practice

“This is good news for employers and employees,” Buckey noted. “Many employers have been covering these types of medications as ‘preventive’ for chronic-condition patients for a while now,” despite the risk that doing so could run afoul of IRS rules, she noted. “It’s encouraging to see the IRS recognizing what’s becoming standard practice.”

“The IRS has allowed drugs prescribed even for existing conditions to be considered ‘preventive’ if they prevent the recurrence of a disease from which the insured has recovered or prevent additional complications in an individual who has developed risk factors for a disease,” wrote Edward Fensholt, senior vice president and director of compliance services at Lockton. “Drugs for treating high cholesterol (an existing condition) have been considered ‘preventive’ if they help prevent additional complications, such as a heart attack,” he noted. “But outside of the pharmaceutical context the IRS has resisted calls to treat care of existing diseases or illnesses as preventive.”

Covering medications for chronic conditions pre-deductible for HDHP enrollees “hopefully will encourage patients to fill those prescriptions, stick to the regimen prescribed by their doctors and delay or prevent the onset of more serious and acute conditions—which, in turn, will save both the employer and the employee money,” Buckey said.

“Sponsors of HDHPs may find this guidance helpful as they prepare for the plan year that begins late this year or in 2020,” Fensholt noted. “We half suspect, however, that because the IRS has never supplied an exhaustive list of what is considered preventive and what is not, some HDHPs have already been paying for treatment of at least some of the services listed in the chart for the associated conditions.”

Health Improves When People Take Their Medicine

“Expanding coverage of preventive products and services for managing chronic conditions will help improve adherence to medication, reduce costs for consumers and improve health outcomes,” said Thomas Moriarty, chief policy and external affairs officer at pharmacy and health care firm CVS Health. “With millions of Americans covered through high-deductible health plans, too often they have seen higher out-of-pocket costs on their prescriptions until they have met their deductible. This has created a major financial burden for patients, especially those living with chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma and heart disease.”

Research by CVS Health, Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital showed that
health care costs were reduced when patients with hypertension, heart failure, diabetes, asthma and depression took their medications as prescribed—and that medical spending by patients with congestive heart failure fell nearly $8,000 per year when they took their medication, despite the increased drug spending.


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Jacks Blowjob Lessons How to Give The Best Blowjob In the World

Product Name: Jack’s Blowjob Lessons – How to Give The Best Blowjob In the World

Click here to get Jack’s Blowjob Lessons – How to Give The Best Blowjob In the World at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Jack’s Blowjob Lessons – How to Give The Best Blowjob In the World is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Make sure your sound is ON. Please wait about 10 seconds for the video to load. This video is NSFW.

My boyfriend and I have been together for over 5 years. I had tried making him climax plenty of times….but since we were each other’s only sex partner, it was hard to know what to do. Although the language was a little coarse, it was what I needed to understand what I was doing wrong.

I finally tried it out on him and he basically passed out in the end. I have never felt so self-confident in my life. So thank you for spicing up my sex life a little bit….I think it definitely helped my relationship.

you are my best friend, you are my knight in shinning armor, i frickin’ LOVE you!!!!! my sex life has never been better!! honestly, i doubted the whole “he will even start shaking” part, but dam was i wrong!!! he just started shouting “YEAA!! F**K YEAAAHHH!! OH MY F**KING GOD!!! YES! YES! YES!” which is a miracle all in itself because hes christian and ive never heard him say the word f**k and ‘god’ in the same sentence.

i absolutely LOOOOVVVEEE the fact that what i want I GET now. i just say the word and hes running for it, all because of a blowjob ? i feel soo much happier now, like theres this ‘wow’ factor to the sex now that we have never experienced before. im sure ill be able to keep (and control ;D) my boyfriend for a very long time now.

thank you for being my (and many others) hero,Alexandra

First I want to start off by saying, thank you! Your tips helped me a lot.

I never had any complaints on how I gave head, but I wanted to be that girl that they would never forget. Lol.. After reading your book, I am that girl.. you have no idea how many calls I’ll get in the middle of the night. Lol.

I am very young, freshly 21 and in college so I’m sure you’ll get a kick out of this. But I have a crazy confession. While reading, I developed a major crush on you. I honestly would love to get together and have you tell me how I’m doing on the head giving. If you feel up to it, don’t be afraid to ask for pictures or a number.

thank you thank you thank you! just your articles helped sooooo much! I use to HATE HATE HATE giving blowjobs because i had NO idea how to but i read your online articles and now thats all my boyfriend wants me to do. As weird as it sounds it also has helped our relationship and we arent fighting as much anymore. its an amazing transformation so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!Kathryn

I just wanted to say THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for your A-M-A-Z-I-N-G book!!! It is a miracle!!!!

My husband started enjoying blow jobs, you know what he told me the other day? That he should make me give him bjs every day, and you wont believe how GREAT it was for me to hear that!!!

Before when I gave him a bj he told me that he would rather have sex, cuz I didn’t know much about it and if I gave him one, it would take him forever to cum, now its like 5,7 mins and he explodes, LOL.

IM just SOOOOO HAPPY that I found ur book on the web, it helped me BIG TIME.

And now my husband even looks at me differently, and our relationship is even better than it was when we were just girlfriend and boyfriend. ?

He’s always smiling now and always in a great mood, and looking at him that makes me feel even more happier…i can actually tell that he surely DOES enjoy IT, he moans and ohhs and uhhs during the BJ, which before I thought he fell asleep when I went down on him, LOL.(cuz he was so quiet)…

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH once again!!!! You and your book brought happiness and joy onto our lives!!!!! ?

When I first read your book I had never given a bj and I was extremely nervous and I had no idea what to do. Your advice helped me soooooo much I was so confident. My boyfriend actually asked if I was lying to him when I told him he was the first. None of the other stuff about this I found were as encouraging as yours and I couldn’t belive how excited I was to give head. Now I do it all the time for my boyfriend and he adores me for it! One time I even did it while he was driving he loved it! Anyway I just wanted to thank you. Honestly your advice was so much help I you helped strengthen my relationship! Any girl who gives head, whether they are a beginer or a pro, they should check your book out. Thanks again!

Well since reading your book. Our love has connected us, on many levels, I would of never believed it without seeing it with my own eyes, my husband is “in love” with me. He loves the new me, I send him little text messages, and he get’s arroused, and so do I just thinking about, being with him. We actually feel as though we are having a affair with each other, because the things we are doing and saying, would under normal circumstances, would never happen. I feel young again, and like I am in love for the first time.

But thank you again for the advise, and education on how to perform oral sex. My man is crazy for me, I wish I did this a long time ago.

I just wanted to say thank you for your advice. My husband had never been able to cum just from a blowjob ever before (not just from me but from any girl he’s ever been with). I remember when we first started dating before we had sex or anything we were talking about our sexual likes and dislikes and I asked him if he liked getting head. He was kinda quiet and kind of avoided the question. I asked “was that a stupid question? ” and he said no its just that every time a girl has given him head in the past he never came. I’ve been with him now 2 and a half years and had never been able to make him cum just by giving him head.

Now don’t get me wrong I love giving head I always have but it’s very discouraging when you can’t make your own husband cum! He is in the military and left for training for a couple weeks and I wanted to do something nice for him when he got home so I bought your book. My attitude has been shit for the past couple years because I’ve been so frustrated and I really worked on that and I think I did a pretty damn good job! When he came home I tried out your advice and not only did he cum he said it was the best head he’s ever gotten and he said his orgasm was deeper and more intense than its ever been! I also had a lot of fun and enjoyed making him feel so good. So just wanted to say thanks, it really helped!

Hey Jack, i had so much fun reading the book ! bad timing getting it during exam week ! i barely studied ! lol , and even read it at the job ! ( call center, not so bad ahahah ) well, totally worth it ! He even told me ” i dont think its healthy for me to cum that hard ” you made me proud of my blow jobs ! I never had problem with the passion part, in fact , before i felt like i enoyed giving him head more then he liked receiving it !! So a lot of the techniques were good for me. thanks again !

Hiya, I recently tried the “XXX-XXX-XXX” [ in the book ] technique with my boyfriend, he loved it because i have my tongue pierced as well, ive never heard him moan so loud… he got out of control!

Yelling “Fuck Yeah babe, fuck yeah!” at one point haha. It turned me on so much and after he came and then recovered… he was a sex GOD… its like he fell in love with my body all over again and just fucked me until i came 5 times!!… this was all between the times of 9:30pm until 2:15am… it… was… amazing what a great head job can do to a man… ? thank you so so so much!

This is a letter of success.. though not what I set out to succeed but success none the less. Christian never did get a second bj out of me because I dumped his sorry ass after him putting me down one time too often. I met a new guy in Arizona… and last night we had our third date – here at my house for swimming, dinner cooked by me and hang out.

I made him cum THREE TIMES sucking his cock in under five minutes each. I swallowed TWICE and licked it off and ate it the other time. He told me that I am awesome. I can’t thank you enough!

Over the years I received thousands of questions from my blowjob graduates. This is the result. My “Blowjob FAQ” is a 312-page, in-depth guide that contains 74 of the most common blowjob questions – honestly answered. You’ll learn:

My Special Advanced Edition is NOT for beginners. This is what takes your already good blowjob skills to the next level – it’s like having a PhD in Blowjobology. Even the most skilled porn stars and professionals have a thing or two to learn here. I was a bit reluctant to release this to the public as it can give women an unfair advantage over other women (and have her steal a man under another woman’s nose) – please use these skills in an ethical manner.

Here’s a sneak peak at some of what you’ll learn in my 44-page advanced blowjob lessons:

And best of all, when you invest in this program today, you will not be alone.

Look, I’ve received literally thousands of emails from my fans and even tough I would love to, I just can’t manage to help everyone. But – for a very limited time and a limited number of spaces – I’ve created a priority access to members of my Blowjob Lessons program.

When you join the “elite blowjob squad” of women today, you’ll get access to my VIP ONLY, priority-reply email where you can get in touch with me directly and ask any question (totally private).

I’ll take you by the hand and help you get over any blowjob, sex or relationship issue you might have so that you become “The One” in his heart, mind, and soul – I’m a guy, and I know how men think.

(I recommend you take advantage of this no-brainer, risk-free deal today ’cause my Capitalist marketing guy is bugging me every day to shut down all this free stuff.)

Look, I know you still may be skeptical. Honestly, if your man does not react to the things you learn in my blowjob lessons, then he’s probably DEAD. That’s exactly why I’m willing to give you a full refund if he is not absolutely blown away by your new blowjob skills.

In fact, I insist you ask for your money back if he doesn’t stay speechless from your new killer blowjobs. Just send me an email within 60 days of your purchase and that’s it.

Try my blowjob lessons risk-free today and see for yourself. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain when your relationship gets to a new and exciting level of intimacy.

Let me ask you something.

How much is it worth to you to ELIMINATE your feeling of never being good enough, never being attractive enough, and possibly losing his love? What if, instead, you could be completely confident about sex, blowjobs, and your ability to get and keep any guy you want?

How much is it worth to know that you have total control over his orgasm and can give men the kind of pleasure they crave? Telling you that it was “the best sex of his life†and knowing that he’s completely sincere.

How much is it worth to you to never have to worry about being cheated on or having him lose interest again? Or to never have to worry about his ex that gave better blowjobs than you?

I know you don’t want your heart broken into pieces… Again, a staggering 44% of men would leave you for a woman with better blowjob skills. This doesn’t have to be you. You can now cheat-proof your relationship and enjoy the kind of peace of mind only Sex Goddesses can. Now you can ruin blowjobs for every other woman he may ever meet.

So, here’s what I offer you when you order my program today (even tough it drives my marketing guy insane):

Yep, a price of a dinner and drink for two, or a ticket to the movies.

That’s a bargain considering that my program actually improves your sex and love life. The only one you have.

I know I could easily sell this whole bundle for 10 times more money, and still, people would buy it. But I don’t, because money’s not my motivation here. Perfect blowjobs can save relationships and make the world a happier place. Don’t believe me, just read some of the reports I get from my students every day.

These 47 bucks is something I must charge you in order for you to have a commitment to actually put my advice to use. If I give this out for free, you won’t value the information. And you won’t find this information anywhere else. This is as real as it gets.

The best part – you can already put my Blowjob Lessons into ACTION tonight.

To get instant access to my entire program and all the extra bonuses, just click the ADD TO CART button below, complete the easy checkout process, and you’ll get immediate access.


You’ll get discreetly and securely billed by my payment processor “CLICKBANK†so nobody will ever find out you got my program. Once you fill out the secure order form you’ll get instant access to the entire program.

You can start enjoying my blowjob lessons within 5 minutes, it comes in PDF format so it’s completely discreet and convenient. You’ll also get a link to the download page to your email and can access the files on your computer, phone, or any other smart device.

Remember this is a risk-free purchase and it comes with a 60-day, 100% money back guarantee, so you’ve got nothing to lose. Try and see for yourself as tens of thousands of my blowjob graduates already have.

Now go ahead and click the yellow “Add to Cart†button to get instant access to my program and discover the secrets to giving the kind of blowjobs he dreams about.

Look, there are 3 options in front of you now.

Option 1 is that you leave and do nothing to improve your sex life. You may think blowjobs are not that important for a relationship’s success… and that’s OK, but pray a Blowjob Queen never puts her lips around your man’s penis. Or your relationship may fall apart like a house of cards in a thunderstorm. I’m a guy and I know how men think – we are sexual, hedonistic creatures and we will always choose better sex if we have the option. Why risk it or worry about it when you can have a carefree, loving relationship?

Option 2 is that you keep reading Cosmo and similar women’s magazines, or listen to your “more experienced” girlfriends that are “sexperts” when it comes to men and blowjobs. How far did listening to them get you? Sure, you can learn a thing or two, but you have access to the exact same basic information all other women do as well. It doesn’t make you special. And most guys laugh out loud when they see what kind of BS advice women get. Of course guys get turned off.

Option 3 is that you join over 30,000 Blowjob Queens that have benefited from my step-by-step program. Now they’re enjoying loving and secure relationships with the man of their choice. They have more control over their love life and never have to worry about cheating, feeling sexually inadequate or worry if he’s satisfied. And they don’t have to wonder – they know exactly how to give killer blowjobs while feeling supremely confident, sexy and empowered – so they know it’s the best blowjob of his life… and now you can too.

Best of all – you can master the art of blowjobs absolutely risk-free, on top off that you get my original blowjob lessons at half the price, plus all these awesome bonuses at no extra cost. Just click the Add To Cart button below and see for yourself. I promise it’ll be the best decision you’ve made in a long, long time – the only thing you’ll regret is not knowing about this years ago.

However you decide today, I hope you get as much value from my blowjob program as thousands of other women like you already have.

See you soon on the other side,

Your blowjob instructor,Jack Hutson

Look, my program is definitely NOT for everyone. It’s very direct, it contains adult language, and it may offend some people that are not ready to hear the truth about what men actually want in a blowjob.

Otherwise, my blowjob advice is completely unconventional and unusual. It has helped tens of thousands of women become Masters of oral sex, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for you, too. For most of my blowjob graduates – simply applying 2 or 3 of my tips instantly supercharged their results, and they didn’t even apply 5% of my advice. It’s crazy that a few simple changes in your technique can instantly take your blowjobs to the next level.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a total beginner or have been around the block,whether you’ve been married for decades or just started dating this new guy – Jack’s Blowjob Lessons can give you that unfair advantage in any relationship that makes him want you, and only you.

And it’s easy. Anyone can learn this. It’s not rocket-science. You’ve just been misinformed about what really works because you’ve been taking advice from amateurs.

Either way, you’ve got nothing to lose – you can now try it completely risk-free, it comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. Just email me if your guy isn’t absolutely blown away by your very next blowjob and I’ll refund all of your money, no questions asked. However, I urge you to take advantage of my offer while all of these awesome free bonuses are still on the table. Spots are limited.

First of all, there’s an FAQ bonus with 74 of the most common blowjob questions that are answered in detail, it’s 312 pages of extra blowjob advice to make him addicted to you.

In case your question is not already answered in the FAQ – you can always send an email to the VIP members only email address and get a priority reply directly from me.

Over the years I’ve personally helped thousands of women GET and KEEP the man of their dreams. Every problem has a solution, we can figure it out together (and it’s completely private). Again, take advantage of this opportunity before my marketing guy forces me to close the doors on this.

Have you ever seen a chubbier, not-that-good-lookin’ girl with a stud? Did you wonder how she landed this guy, what does she have that you don’t? She doesn’t even look good, she may even be slightly dumb. But I guarantee you she’s good when it comes to blowjobs. And that’s very, very rare. Most women have no idea what they’re doing.

How important are blowjobs? Well… Let’s just say that men are sexual creatures, and they think with their penises. So when a woman that can blow like a pro comes along, she has a lot more power and leverage in that relationship.

I’m a guy and I know men. The thing is – when you give him a mind-blowing blowjob – he connects those pleasurable thoughts with you and your face. You make him feel that way. And that’s what makes him fall in love, those emotions. He can easily get addicted to that feeling, not just physically, but the emotional high of being worshipped like that.

It’s important that you make him feel this way before a woman with real skills puts her lips around him.

So why not give it a try? You’ve got nothing to lose. Order my program today, quickly learn my blowjob secrets, and see for yourself how your guy treats you like a Queen. Suddenly he treats you like a drop of water in the desert, making all your wishes his top priority. My program is responsible for making thousands upon thousands of men propose. Don’t believe a word I say. Just read some of the reports I get from my blowjob graduates and how their love life transformed after making his blowjob dreams come true.

I am no scientist or PhD in sexology and I was NOT featured on Oprah or FOX News. I am the guy who has slept with hundreds of women and taught every one of them to blow like a decent girl should. And that’s the only reason you should listen to what I have to say. I’m not telling you this to brag, I don’t care if you believe me or not.

The thing is, I’m not your boyfriend and I don’t have a reason to lie to you that your blowjobs are great when, in fact, you probably have no idea what you’re doing. Even if you’re “good” – that just doesn’t cut it. You have no idea how mind-blowing your blowjobs can actually be. If don’t ruin blowjobs for any other woman that ever puts her lips around him, then you’re not doing a good job and you’re not protecting your relationship.

All major Credit Cards, debit and PayPal are available. As soon as you checkout, you get instant access to the entire program. If you’re having any trouble, just email and I’ll personally get back to you within 24 hours, usually sooner.

Your purchase will appear on your bank statement under the name “CLKBANK*COM”, so your purchase can remain completely private and secure. You can even store the files within your email and access them directly in your email provider without actually having the files on your computer.

No. The entire Jack’s Blowjob Lessons package is available as a digital edition that you can access within 5 minutes. It’s more private and convenient this way so you can keep your new skills to yourself – like a secret weapon – no waiting time.

You can save the files and study the materials on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. You will also receive a “for print†version as a PDF that’s specially designed for this purpose (smaller font) and you can print out a copy for yourself, if it’s easier for you to read that way and take notes.

This all just started out as a fun project years ago. I had no idea it’ll start a blowjob Revolution.

After getting another lousy blowjob (and never calling her again), I decided to put together a simple site with some basic, but real-world advice… since nobody else was talking about it honestly. The site grew like crazy. I ended up receiving thousands of questions from women all around the globe.

At some point I just couldn’t reply to everyone anymore, and they kept asking for a step-by-step program, all the dirty little tricks and details that make a blowjob perfect. So I created Jack’s Blowjob Lessons as a result.

Having seen the amazing impact my advice made on so many relationships and marriages, I had to make this available to everyone, that’s also why I offer you all this value for such a low price, ’cause I wanted to make this affordable to all women, even college students and women in third world countries.

Don’t forget to send me an email once you’ve applied my advice! I love reading your emails and hearing your success stories. They always put a smile on my face ?

Click here to get Jack’s Blowjob Lessons – How to Give The Best Blowjob In the World at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Jack’s Blowjob Lessons – How to Give The Best Blowjob In the World is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ace Your SHRM Certification Exam

An accessible new guidebook just published by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Ace Your SHRM Certification Exam: A Guide to Success on the SHRM-CP® and SHRM-SCP® Exams, features expert tips and practice questions that demystify the tests and improve one’s ability to understand and prepare for them. It was edited by SHRM’s vice president of certification operations, Nancy A. Woolever, SHRM-SCP. 

The short, easy-to-use volume includes everything a candidate needs to know before taking either level of SHRM certification exam: best practices for studying, research-based advice for sharpening test-taking skills, proven strategies for managing pre-exam anxiety, tips from experts and certified professionals, detailed learning resources, answer keys for both exams, guides to exam structure, terminology and acronyms, plus more.  

Below is the first of three excerpts from this helpful publication. Use code ACE19 for an additional 20 percent off when purchased though the SHRMStore. Current SHRM credential-holders who read the book and pass a quiz will earn 3 professional development credits (PDCs) toward recertification. 

Excerpt from Ace Your SHRM Certification Exam, Chapter 3  

Part 1: Learning How You Learn Best

Part 2: Recognizing the Symptoms of Anxiety

Part 3: What to Expect on Exam Day 

We’re not all the same when it comes to learning (and in so many other ways as well!). We receive and process information differently, and we like to learn in different ways. Some people learn best by reading, taking notes by hand, and explaining the concepts to someone else. Others grasp new information and concepts more easily when the content is presented in visual form, via charts, graphs, slides or videos. 

Understanding your learning preferences, or styles, will help you decide how best to successfully study for the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams. 

Four Primary Learning Styles  

In 1982, management experts Peter Honey and Alan Mumford published a Learning Styles Questionnaire based on psychologist David Kolb’s learning-style model. Honey and Mumford identified four primary types of learners: Activists, Reflectors, Theorists and Pragmatists. No one is entirely one type or another, but most people prefer one or two of the four styles. 

Activists (Doers)

You have an open-minded approach to learning and enjoy experimenting, exploring, and discovering. Anxious to practice what you learn and apply it to real-world situations, you might become impatient with lengthy discussions and explanations. Some Activists might have a tendency to be disorganized and to procrastinate. 

Reflectors (Reviewers or Observers) 

Reflectors prefer to learn by watching or listening. If you’re a Reflector, you like to take your time, collect data, and examine experiences or concepts from a number of different perspectives before coming to conclusions. You might have a tendency to dislike pressure and tight deadlines. 

Theorists (Thinkers)

If facts, models, concepts and systems help you engage in the learning process, you might be described as a Theorist. You like to think things through, analyze what you are learning, and understand the underlying theory. You might also tend to be more organized than other types of learners.   

Pragmatists (Planners)

You might describe yourself as a Pragmatist if you enjoy solving problems and sometimes become impatient with too much theory and lengthy discussions. When you learn, you want to know how the concepts apply in the “real” world. 

Three Ways to Learn 

Researchers also have found that our learning styles differ in the ways in which we use our senses to receive and process information. One well-known theory, called “VAK [visual, auditory, kinesthetic],” postulates that most of us learn best when using one or two of our three primary sensory receivers: visual, auditory or kinesthetic. 

Visual learners

If you’re a visual learner, you like to have information presented through pictures, charts, diagrams, lists of key learning points, infographics, videos and other visual media. Taking notes and making visual maps helps you remember what you hear or read. Interestingly, some visual learners can visualize pages on which certain information appears.  

Auditory learners

You know that you are primarily an auditory learner if you remember more of what you learn when you hear something than when you see it. You might prefer lectures and podcasts to reading. Reading aloud to yourself or talking about what you learn to others can help fix facts and concepts in your mind.  

Kinesthetic learners

You can be described as a kinesthetic learner if you find it hard to sit still for long periods. You need to stand up and move around often to keep from losing your concentration. Keeping study periods short and focused, taking notes by hand, and building frequent breaks into your study schedule can help you learn. 

Additional Online Resources 

Matt Davis is manager of book publishing at SHRM.   

For more information on SHRM Certification, and to register for the exam, please visit our website. Already SHRM-certified? Be sure to maintain your credential by recertifying. Learn more about recertification activities here.


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Recertification Q&A: Carrying Over Credits

​Have questions about recertifying your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP? In every issue, the SHRM Certification team will answer some of the frequently asked questions they receive from credential-holders.  

Q. This is my recertification year and I’m well on the way to meeting the requirement of earning 60 professional development credits (PDCs) within a three-year period. I was glad to find out about the change in policy on carrying over PDCs. How many can I carry over to my next recertification cycle?
A. Good for you in maintaining your SHRM credential! Effective Aug. 1, 2019, SHRM credential-holders who have recertified with more than 60 PDCs will be able to carry over a maximum of 20 PDCs into their next cycle.  

Q. Are all types of PDCs eligible for carrying over?
A. Yes, all PDCs are eligible for carryover.  

Q. How do I enter the excess PDCs into my account?
A. The carryover amount—up to 20 PDCs—will be autoloaded into your SHRM Certification Portal in the Advance Your Education category.   

Q. Will the new carryover policy be applied retroactively? I recertified last year with 75 PDCs—can I have the excess 15 PDCs credited to my new cycle?
A. As of now, no, but we are looking into it.  We will notify all certification-holders if this policy changes.

Have additional questions? Send them to

For more information on SHRM Certification, and to register for the exam, please visit our website.  

Already SHRM-certified? Be sure to maintain your credential by recertifying. Learn more about recertification activities here.


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